Make Your Own Font
Even if you're not a graphic design expert, there's no reason you can't have your very own font. Rachel, our Media Manager, decided to make her handwriting into a useable font on her computer.
Hi, Rachel here. I'm the only one at DBC who isn't a graphic designer, and sometimes I feel left out. So, I decided to try my hand at amateur typeface creation. Since I'm no artist, I decided to make it as simple as possible, and my own handwriting as a computer font sounded pretty cool.
I first looked up the process of creating your own typeface through programs such as Illustrator, but thought, "Wow, that is much too complicated for me!" I ended up using a free website called MyScriptFont They provide you with a template to use and create the font for you based off what you write. I decided to do both print and script handwriting fonts.
This is what the print template I filled out looked like:
Not too shabby!
You can't exactly tell, but there are very light guiding lines that you can't write outside of, otherwise your characters will get cut off.
Here's the script template:
Kinda readable?
I have to admit, I was a little less careful with the script template and went outside the lines on a few letters, but who's counting.
After uploading each template, the website converts what you've written into a font! You click on it to see how it came out (and if any letters are cut off) and if you're happy, you just download it and install to your computer. It's really that easy.
The proud owner of her own fonts.
Voila! The website smooths them out a bit and makes them look pretty legit! I used a kind of thick pen, and would be interested to see how a template written with a thinner pen would work (they recommend using a felt-tip), but I think it came out really well. This sure will save me time on all my hand-written thank you letters!