How can brand design increase the profitability of my company?
If you've been wondering why should you focus on great branding, the infographic below can help understand how an aligned brand can translate into tangible value. It's both simple and complex: no individual element of a brand should be allowed to stand alone. From the organization's culture to the employees who live it, a brand should be designed from the inside-out, the most optimized way to see a return on the investment of brand design.
““a brand should be designed from the inside-out””
A hollow brand is costs you (and your organization) the opportunity for additional positive impressions. A brand is so much more than a logo, so much more than a website, and so much more than fancy business cards. Relying on these window dressings alone fails to address the true need of any brand in the age of the next best thing: authenticity. One of five important metrics that measure the value of a brand, an authentic brand is aligned on every level, from the timecard to the consumer. It creates the opportunity for extra impressions from engaged employees, and is driven the strategic goals of the company.
““from the timecard to the consumer””
Some facts to keep you up at night:
65% of organizations have an agreed upon strategy, but only 14% of employees understand their organization’s strategy and less than 10% of all organizations successfully execute the strategy
Aligning and explaining your brand can have tremendous effects on your bottom line. Think of it this way; if more employees in your organization understand, align with, and a work towards a common goal, it becomes a lot easier to sell that brand towards your target audience. Infinite more positive impressions are possible, and more brand ambassadors are present in the world.
Here's where we tie it all together: Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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